
The Model

MatTek’s EpiGingival tissues consist of normal, human-derived epithelial cells. The tissues, which are cultured on specially prepared cell culture inserts using serum free medium, attain levels of differentiation on the cutting edge of in vitro cell culture technology. Morphologically, the tissue models closely parallel native gingival human tissues, thus providing a useful in vitro means to assess irritancy, disease and other basic oral biology phenomena. Learn more about EpiGingival.

The Method

Download the EpiGingival Absorption Protocol

  1. Transfer tissues from agarose to assay medium
  2. Incubate (37 ±1°C, 5 ±1% CO2, 95% RH) 1 h
  3. Transfer tissues to receiver solution
  4. Equilibrate tissues to permeation temperature for 15 min
  5. Apply permeant solution to apical surface of tissues
  6. Collect, store and replace receiver solution every 30 – 60 min for the duration of the study
  7. Determine average flux and calculate the permeability coefficient (Kp)


For more information, view EpiGingival Technical References.

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