MatTek In Vitro Life Science Laboratories will be sponsoring and exhibiting at the twentieth international congress on In Vitro Toxicology (ESTIV 2018). The meeting is hosted by the European Society of Toxicology In Vitro (ESTIV), as well as the German Toxicology Society (GT) and the Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing-Europe (CAAT-Europe). MatTek IVLSL will be a bronze sponsor for the congress and will also be exhibiting at booth #5. In addition, MatTek IVLSL will present posters at the meeting and host a workshop and talk sessions. The meeting will take place from 15 October to 18 October at the Estrel Hotel in Berlin, Germany.
Visit our staff and presenting authors at Booth #5

Congress Talk:
Talk: Pre-Validation of an Acute Inhalation Toxicity Test Using the EpiAirway in vitro Human Airway Model  Presenting Author: Dr. Silvia Letasiova
October 18, 2018 11:00 AM – 12:40 AM Session 8 – New Developments in Inhalation Toxicity Testing.
Post-Conference Workshop and Talk:
Dr. Silvia Letasiova and Dr. Helena Kandarova are presenting a talk on skin irritation testing using EpiDerm and are administering a practical demonstration of the technology.
Talk: Skin Irritation Testing using 3D Reconstructed Human Skin Models  Presenting Author: Dr. Helena Kandarova | October 18, 2018 2:30 PM – 4:30 PM
Practical Demonstration: Â October 19, 8:30 AM – 12:30 PM
Round Table Student Session 2 – Career Session:
Dr. Kandarova is a panelist on a session on career development | October 16, 6:40 PM – 7:40 PM
Dr. Chantra Eskes (SECAM, Magliaso/CH)
Dr. Joao Barroso (JRC, Ispra/IT)
Dr. Hennicke Kamp (BASF, Ludwigshafen/DE)
Dr. Helena Kandarova (MatTek, Bratislava/SK)
Prof. Anne Marie Vinggaard (DTU, Kgs. Lyngby/DK)
Dr. Roland Buesen (BASF, Ludwigshafen/DE)
Dr. Kandarova is also chairing a session: In silico modeling and read-across approaches | October 17, 11:00 AM – 12.30 PM Session 6
View Our Posters:
P34 – Organotypic in vitro human airway models can recapitulate aspects of pulmonary fibrosis
Authors: Anna Maione, George R Jackson, Olivia O’Connell, Jaclyn Webster, Mitchell Klausner (MatTek US), Silvia Letašiová, Helena Kandarova (MatTek EU), Patrick Hayden (MatTek US)
P119- Reconstructed 3D model of human small intestine epithelium for prediction of gastrointestinal toxicity and drug absorption
Authors: Jan Markus (MatTek EU), Helena Kandarova (MatTek EU), Timothy Landry, Seyoum Ayehunie (MatTek US)
P135 – Evaluation of in vitro models of the rat and human airway epithelium for assessment of acute airway toxicity
Authors: Anna Maione, George R Jackson (MatTek US), Joanne Vinall, Hazel Simpson, Eleanor Storey (Edinburgh/GB), Michelle Debatis, Mitchell Klausner (MatTek US), Helena Kandarova (MatTek EU), Clive Roper (Edinburgh/GB), Patrick Hayden (MatTek US)
P161 – Determination of contact sensitisation potential of 20 chemicals using in vitro reconstructed normal human epidermal model EpiDerm: – Impact of the modality of application
Authors: Silvia Letašiová (MatTek EU), Emanuela Corsini, Valentina Galbiati (Milan/IT), Helena Kandarova (MatTek EU)
P162 – Inter and intra-laboratory reproducibility of the in vitro phototoxicity test using 3D reconstructed human epidermis model EpiDerm
Authors: Helena Kandarova, AlĹľbeta LĂšková (MatTek EU), Bushra Sim, Fiona Bailey, Carol Treasure (Daresbury, Cheshire/GB), Dagmar JĂrová, KristĂna Kejlová (Prague/CZ), Silvia Letašiová (Mattek EU)
P197- Development and validation of the EpiDerm in vitro skin irritation protocol for the assessment of medical devices extracts
Authors: Helena Kandarova, Silvia Letašiová (MatTek EU), Michael Bachelor (MatTek US), Tatiana Milasova (MatTek EU)
P231- EpiIntestinal on a BioChip
Authors: Joachim Wiest (Kronburg/DE), Ch. Schmidt (Kronburg, Munich/DE), Jan Markus, Helena Kandarova (MatTek EU)