September 21, 2021

CELLINK, Visikol, and MatTek have joined forces to present customers a first of its kind 3D biomanufacturing and in vitro analysis service.
September 17, 2021

MatTek scientists will be attending the WC11 virtual meeting. Complimentary downloads of our presented posters are available.
July 6, 2021

It was announced today that Visikol will leverage the MatTek portfolio of advanced cell culture models within its drug discovery services.
June 23, 2021

MatTek Life Sciences, a subsidiary of CELLINK, today announced the OECD acceptance of the EpiDerm Phototoxicity Test for Test Guideline 498.
March 17, 2021

MatTek scientists will be attending and presenting posters at the SOT 2021 Annual Meeting in Anaheim, California. Schedule a meeting with us!