January 15, 2019
MatTek Corporation announced today a new partnership withNanoSurface Biomedical to distribute their nanopatterned cell cultureware technology.
October 24, 2018
MatTek Corporation today announced that the company’s board of directors has appointed Alex Armento as president effective immediately.
October 16, 2018

MatTek In Vitro Life Sciences Laboratories will be exhibiting and sponsoring at the 20th annual ESTIV 2018, October 15-18 in Berlin, Germany.
September 17, 2018

MatTek IVLSL will be attending the IFSCC workshop in Munich, Germany, and will be presenting on Tuesday, September 18.
September 17, 2018

MatTek is presenting six talks and five posters at the EUSAAT European Society for Alternatives to Animal Testing congress September 23-26.