MatTek will be presenting posters at the American Thoracic Society's 2018 International Conference in San Diego, CA, from May 18 - May 23. View our posters being presented and request a copy.
MatTek In Vitro Life Sciences Laboratories will be sponsoring and exhibiting at the tenth annual Advances in Cell and Tissue Culture conference. ACTC 2018 will be held at The School of Biosciences at Cardiff University from May 21st through May 23rd.
MatTek Senior Scientist Dr. Michael Bachelor is presenting new research at the upcoming International Investigative Dermatology Meeting. His work includes the development of an in vitro atopic dermatitis skin model as well as work done for NASA. View the posters and request copies.
Join MatTek and IONTOX scientists for a webinar on how using integrated organ systems in conjunction with MatTek's EpiIntestinal™ is being used to study cholestatic drug-induced liver injury in vitro.