Control of glucose phosphorylation in L6 myotubes by compartmentalization, hexokinase, and glucose transport

Richard R. WHITESELL, Hossein ARDEHALI, Richard L. PRINTZ, Joseph M. BEECHEM, Susan M. KNOBEL, David W. PISTON, Daryl K. GRANNER, Wieb VAN DER MEER, Laureta M. PERRIOTT and James M. MAY Vanderbilt University School of Medicine Biochemical Journal 370 (1) (2003)
Citation in paper containing MatTek reference "coverslip-floored 35 mM dish (MatTek Corporation, Ashland, MA, U.S.A.)"

¯ux control coefficient, global analysis, hexose speci®city, hexose transport, sensitivity analysis.

Microscopic Technique

Two-photon laser excitation microscopy

Cell Line

L6 myotubes

Part Number