Hepatic Autophagy Is Suppressed in the Presence of Insulin Resistance and Hyperinsulinemia: Inhibition of Fox01-Dependent Expression of Key Autophagy Genes by Insulin

Hui-Yu Liu; Jianmin Han; Sophia Y. Cao; Tao Hong; Degen Zhuo; Jianbo Shi; Zhenqi Liu; Wenhong Cao Hamner Institutes for Health Sciences Sun Yat-sen University University of Virginia Health System Duke University Health System Journal of Biological Chemistry 284 (45) (2009)
Citation in paper containing MatTek reference "Microscopy—Hepatoma 1c1c7 cells were plated onto glass bottom cell culture chamber (MatTek; Ashland; MA)."
Microscopic Technique

Confocal Microscopy

Cell Line

Mouse primary hepatocytes (Hepatoma 1c1c7 cells)

Part Number