August 1, 2016
Antiviral Activity of Ribavirin, 2’,3’-Dideoxicitidine, Pirodavir, Oseltamivir and Infergen™ against RSV, Adeno-2, Rhino-14, Influenza and HCoV-EMC Infection in Differentiated Normal Bronchial Epithelial (dNHBE) Cells
The antiviral activity of ribavirin, 2’,3’-ddC, pirodavir, oseltamivir and Infergen™ was evaluated against respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), adenovirus type 2, rhinovirus type 14, influenza, and human coronavirus HCoV-EMC in a highly differentiated, three-dimensional, ex vivo model of normal human bronchial (dNHBE) cells.... Read More